Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Freeze Ray

I have been having some really lazy days recently, today wasn't any different. I stayed home and watched episodes of Charmed, and ordered hot wings and pizza ( the fuckers forgot my soda!). I can't see the girls because they've all got school, and I would really like to.

I don't have much time left in America, I'm leaving next Friday early in the morning. I am getting more and more nervous and apprehensive. but lets not talk about that.... got a new camera so I think I'm ready.

Zune updated so it now has games, and audio book options. I played Hexic while listening to my music on shuffle for about two hours. I also ended up with a lot of new podcast, before I only had the one which was smodcast(I fucking love smodcast, they make my week when they put one up!) I'll probable take more then half of the ones that I got after this week.

Everybody wants to see me before I go, I really only want to hang out with my friends for the majority of everyday. It's truly amazing that we never get bored of each other, the only reason that we stop is when we are forced, which kinda annoys the parents. Could you have more then one love of you life, and be in love with them all at the same time? but also be in love with them without sexual attraction? and love them most when they are all together with you? weird thinking.... I just feel that I belong when I am with my friends, and it's seems that our personality's compliment each other so well. I'm going to miss them A LOT.

We found out that Gram Gram has breast cancer, I don't really know much about it but it's been on my mind lately.

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