Friday, March 28, 2008

Cirque du Soleil

Yesterday my two buddies and I went to Cirque Du Soleil, Corteo. It was.....there are no words really....lets just say super awesome. I loved the music too, my friend bought
a copy maybe I can get her to lend it to me sometime.
I went to Varekai a couple years ago, and that was great. It had a completely different look and feel to it then Corteo. It was like an alien world, I had never seen anything like it before, and again it was amazing!!!
I cant wait for the next show! but I'm going to haft to save up!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

songs i've been thinking about

I saw Juno today and loved it
made me cry, but then again I'm a big baby

this is my current myspace song.
heard it on Never Mind the Buzzcocks, a show my friend turned me onto

HOT CHIP !!!! love their new album Made in the Dark, super awesome! heres some of my fave songs from the record

my love for ELO grows and grows, I can't get this song out of my head!


Have you seen these people, they are missing from my memory but seem familiar. If you know them or know of them please tell me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Main Comidian Man

July 15
Keller Auditorium

I LOVE THIS MAN! My friend called me one day and said:
"Hey Jacey, guess who's coming to town that we both love!"
"Holy Fuck! Eddie Izzard!?"
" Yeah"
"Well When is he coming!?"............................and so on.....

The point is that we're going and it's going to ROCK!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Movie Madness

Let's talk about movies.

Here are my favorites in no particular order:

Amelie, the best romance I have ever seen. A wonderful surreal adventure that surrounds a mysterious "do-gooder" who falls in love. It's a magical movie, romantic, and really funny.

Raising Arizona, a modern tall tail about how every one loves babies. Hi and Ed are the most lovable kidnappers ever.

The Blues Brothers, what can I say, my buddy and I dressed up as them for halloween once. It was awesome, and so is that movie.

V For Vendetta, based on a comic book that I ended up buying because I loved the movie so much. Gotta say, loved the art, but liked the movie better then the comic. Maybe it's because it's set in a more modern time, and the main characters seem so much stronger and real to me.

Snatch, hard to understand but put on the subtitles and it's fucking hilarious. My favorite character is by far Bullet Tooth Tony.

Hercules, my favorite disney movie. I don't care that it really has no relation to the original myth, thats just the way disney roles. I love the music and Hercules is such a lovable and goofy character.

Interstella 5555, it's not so much a movie as it is a really long and beautifully animated music video. I love Daft Punk more then almost anything in the world.

I LOVE all of the Xmen movies, I can watch them over and over and over again.They are most defiantly my favorite super hero movies. I can't wait for the new ones, I know they're gonna ROCK!

I love all the Quentin Tarantino movies. Each one of them is a wild ride of crazy awesome characters put in fucked up situations, set to the coolest sound track you can find. The dialog is out of this world.

The other man who has my movie attention is Kevin Smith. Truth be told I have not seen all of his movies because I haven't seen Jersey Girl yet, but whatever. This guy is fucking funny, and I can't get enough of his dialog, so much so that I haft to listen to his podcast every week to complete my life.

Hayao Miyazaki is by far the best thing that has ever happened to anime. All of his movies are beautiful, the story lines, animation, messages, and soundtrack. I could never pick a favorite, every one of them is a great coming of age story that makes you laugh, cry, and amazed.

I think thats it for now, I might haft to redo this page if I forgot something vitally important.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

there will be blood

I'm reading the Anne Rice book The Vampire Lestat right now, so I thought that I would make this post about my friends the vampires.
The first vampire book I read was Christopher Moore's Bloodsucking Fiends. The cool thing about Mr. Moore's vampire story is that he didn't try to tell a mythology of the vampire, he just had fun making up this crazy story thats main characters happen to be vampires, they didn't even really want to be vampires, it just happened really, and they just try to live their life like normal people with a slight blood disorder. The book that followed was called You Suck. This one was really good too, and I loved the ending. Christopher Moore is my favorite author, I just love everything that he writes because each one is full of crazy exciting characters that are put in really scary crazy sitchuations. The only thing that I could criticize about his books would be that the beginnings are always too long, and the ending action always happens in the last 10 to 20 pages, but what can I say I love them all.
I got into the Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer. I LOVE them. I couldn't put them down and ended up reading the first three within a week. I cannot wait 'till the fourth and final book witch comes out this august. They are on the romantic side (the super romantic side) but still have a fun and epic story. I love perspective of Bella, and that she takes us all the places we want to go with her leaving nothing out. I also love that the story is sent on the west cost, and their making the movies here in Portland!!! I know some Native Americans who are going to be extras in the movies too!!! It's just TOO COOL!!!
My friend read all of the Anne Rice when we were in 10th grade. I told her that I was interested in reading them and finally two years later she lent me Interview with a Vampire. I had seen the movie a while ago so I kinda knew the story line. This book wasn't anything like the other two series I had read before. It isn't funny or romantic in the least. What this book is is tragic and interesting. I was with the main character the whole time, but unlike Twilight it wasn't because I could relate to the angst, but because I was simpithetic with him.
So now I find myself with an obsession that most girls have at age 13, but whatever.
have a video

check this guy out!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

whose line

I love this show, never really like the British version. Since I watched the outtakes I can't watch the regular show because it's just not as funny... sad but it cracks me up