Sunday, August 17, 2008

Time Warp

The last 3 days have been awesome. Yesterday my friends- Lillie, Jorden, Zoe, Olivia, and the twins friend Stephanie- and I went to Rocky, and it was the cabaret cast! They are so much more awesome, they have all the costumes and props, their makeup looks great, and they know whats going on at all times. It was Olivia's first time going so she was a virgin, but because she was under 18 she didn't haft to do anything to traumatic. The theater was packed with virgins last night, there was more of them than there were of us! They could have over run us and taken over the theater if they weret just stupid virgins. But because there was so many people there the audience was really crazy and load. There was this whole group of jocks behind us who just wouldn't shut up! and really didn't get it. The call back lines where not really in unison and you'd hear broken pieces of weird different ones.
On Friday we went to pioneer court house square to watch a movie on the bricks. We got pizza from schmizza, and watched Vacation, staring Chevy Chase. It was really fun and I'm sorry that we missed the opportunity to see more free movies all summer (this was the last one) we'll have to go next year.
Thrusday I went t0 work at my moms store because she was out of town. Jorden and Lillie picked me up and we watched Starship Troopers 1 and 3. Both the rental stores we went to had 2 rented out. The first one was still awesome, what a classic! but the third one was weird and cheep, and had lots of Jesus talk. The bugs looked sooo much better in the 1st one, I have no idea what happened with that! Now we have got to watch the second one, Jorden said that it was much better than the third, even though it doesn't go along with the story line of either one.
Ohh yeah! Last night after Rocky, we went to eat. Zoe dropped off Olivia and Jorden offord to give me a ride home from the Well's house. On the way home (now 4:30ish) Jorden let his car roll down this hill really fast, so we went like 50 down a 25 road. He was like huh I didn't even push the gas, and I was telling him that there is a little police station on that road, about a second latter we got pulled over by a cop. For some reason, whether it be that I was tired or hyped up on sugar, this was too funny to be scary. We were literally a block away from my house, and we are two of the most wholesome kids riding around at 4:30 in the morning, no drugs alcohol or even promiscuity (though as we are both 18 and thus legal we could have, but I don't that anyone would be happy if we had). Jorden was so calm and ... yes I'll say it.. charming. He totally handled the situation and was even being chatty with the cop. He wasn't sure where the registration was for the car we were driving (his moms) but found it. Jorden also was perfectly honest, which was the right move but was almost strange... He didn't give him a ticket, or even a warning. Weird... long night... I went to bed this morning and slept horribly.

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