Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good Girls Go to Heaven

I'm listening to Meat Loaf, waiting for my comics to come via UPS. I ordered Hellboy vol. 1 and 3 because I already bought 2. I also got Fables vol. 1, and I hope it's good. I know that Hellboy will be good because I loved the second one so much. I love the Hellboy movies too, and totally wish I owned them...I'll put it on the Christmas list...because I'm a child.

I'm really excited for Italy, it's practically all I think about. This morning, in between slapping the snooze, I had some nice Mediterranean men fantasys. But that is not the only reason that I'm excited to go, I'm also supper stoked about seeing all the art and experiencing the culture. I put a bunch of Italian movies on my netflix cue, and the other day I watched one of them, it was called Divorce Italian Style. It was made in the '60s and was in Italian. The storey was a little crazy but I have to say that the main character, Ferdinando, was a total self centered sleaze, but he was likable and that was a little weird. I wouldn't recommend this movie, it was alright, but was no great cinematic achievement (unlike Evil Dead II!!!). What this movie did do for me was some nice Italian background noise.

Tomorrow is the midnight release of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. I would say that I can't wait, but honestly I can. I have got sooooo much work to do, I don't even know when I'm going to have time to read the book. But I am sure that as soon as I hold it I'll find the time.

I'm Hungry! Where are my comics!!!

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