Monday, March 16, 2009

one day at a time

Tuesday- got food poisoning, barfed all night.
Wednesday- barfed in the early hours, had stomach cramps the rest of the day, went to school. Got picked up and slept
Thursday- woke up. went to school. went to Jordens. had dinner with him and his mom. went to Lillie and Zoe's play. went to Shari's. went to sleep.
Friday- nothing
Sunday-watched movies at Jordens. Driving lessons, and a really sucky imitation of Reanimator. Went home and finished paper for WR.
Today- Turned in paper. going to Jordens to watch Brisco, and work on comic.
Tomorrow- going to take Bio final. Finish HP paper.
Wednesday- turn in HP paper. Katelyn comes home. FREEDOM!

From there I don't know what will happen....

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