Monday, June 2, 2008

There are no happy endings...

I only have one day left of high school. I am , FOR REAL, graduating! It seems like everything I have struggling against has lead me up to this point in my life, and everything is concluding all around me. It's maybe that graduating is one happy ending, but the one thing that life has taught me is that there are no happy endings because nothing ever ends( thank you The Last Unicorn ) just because my high school life is very much over doesn't mean that my life is over. I have college to look forward to in just a couple weeks, which will lead me to making decisions about my life after college, then I will have to live out that life, hopefully have some kind of romance, and if I'm lucky have a kid or two. Even then the story of my life wont end, because with an end of one chapter there is a beginning of a new one, and even after I die the story of my life will continue with the lives of the people I leave behind ( If I don't grow up to be a crazy hermit!!! ). But I was just writing about high school wasn't I...hmmmm...
Anyway, I need to get myself together for college. I'll be getting my new laptop soon and that's going to ROCK. I wont have to borrow my moms anymore, or wait for her to get off it! Then I'll start my new classes at MHCC. I was talking to my cousin Jessie on Sunday and he told me that he was impressed that I got into Writing 121, he said that most people don't get tested into that class and that he wasn't when he first got in. To think that I Jacey could be better than Jessie the golden child at something!!! Well it gave me a great confidence boost.
Today was kind of a crap day. When I got home all I did was mope around the house, and I ended up watching TV which is weird for me because I hate TV. I watched Charmed, a show that I am now intrigued by at the fault of my buddy Katelyn. Blahh it just fuels the dorky fire! I will probably watch it every afternoon now, how sad... and I thought I had given up TV for good...
Speaking of shows I started to rent the Aeon Flux series from netflix. At first I didn't like it as much, but then once I got to the episode where Aeon lets Trevor Goodchild take her DNA and make a clone out of it so that he could use it for his own fiendish pleasures I was intrigued, and ended up liking the show a lot. I loved the episode where they were stuck in that weird cube place with the pink(maroon, jasmine...whatever)liquid stuff all around it, and they could only escape in that molding thing. It kinda toched my heart that Goodchild is like so in love with Aeon that he wants to save her even though she like fucks with his business whenever she can. Ohh and in the episode where that one couple tries to get to the other side of the wall together and she ends up not making it and damaging her back, I loved it when Goodchild was like; "I know Aeon gets in through sector C, I let her do that..." (not exact words but who really cares...) it was almost sweet.... I guess I just watch it for Aeon and Goodchilds fucked up relationship... anyway can't wait to see the next five episodes, I bet they'll be as trippy as the last.

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