Friday, February 13, 2009

Brisco Crisco Frisco

I like to be in wide open space' alone, it's best when you can look around far off into the distance and see no sign of man, it brings me true peace. It was hard for me to adjust in Florence at first because the streets where so tight, i mostly hung around the Piatsa De Santa Senioria and gazed up at Neptune when things got to small for me.

I've been having weird dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that I got into a fight with Lillie and Jorden at Jorden's house. I stormed out of the front door intending to walk home, but when I got to the side walk I beem of light hit me from above and I was pulled up and into an alien spaceship! I only had a chance to look at my captors, who all had bubble gum like skin and deep voices, before I had waken up.

Have I told you lately how much I love Bruce Campbell? Today I bought Brisco County Jr. the complete series at Costco, then I went to Jorden's to watch it. We only got threw 2 full discs today and there is 8, so we still have a ways to go. Bruce plays a way nicer character in the show then in any other movies I've seen him in before, where hes an asshole the whole time... It's kind of weird, he said stuff like "because we're friends" and he wasn't even a sleaze bag. Everyone in the show has really weird names, like Socrates Poole, Dixie Cousins, and Lord Bowler, not to mention the lead character Brisco County Jr. We decided that it would have been awesome to live in the west in the 1800's because you could walk around with a gun all the time and no one would really care.

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