Monday, February 23, 2009

Solid Organic Steel

I got a test back from my Health and Fitness class today. Apparently my teacher for the class is a huge comic nerd and here is a couple of questions off the test:
The Incredible Hulk and the X-Men's Colossus have been teleported to an alternate dimension owned by the evil warlord MoJo. They are currently in an epic battle with the Juggernaut and MoJo. All of these behemoths weigh 800 pounds each. List two method of determining the body fat percentage for these behemoths.______ ______
After testing them, you have determined that The Hulk is 8% body fat, the Juggernaut is 16% body fat, MoJo is 72% body fat, and you have found that Colossus is 100% solid organic steel. How many pounds of fat do they each have?
This cracked me up! so i thought I would share.

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