Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm putting off writing my paper, for a little bit longer.
I've been having a lot of weird dreams lately (I've said it before, I know) the one I had last night was just another drop in the bucket. I dreamed a scene in a bar where there were a bunch of towns people who were all looking at the TV. It was a news report on the towns new mayor a woman with shoulder length dark brown hair. The people of the town were talking about how it was a mistake to elect her, and they were angry that they couldn't over power her with their lightning powers, because she was immune to them. The bar became charged and lightning sparked and flashed threw the air... and I woke up.
In about a third of my dreams I'm not even an active character in them. Most of my dreams are nightmares, and I would say only 10% of them are enjoyable. When I go into REM sleep my eyes open, and unless I'm in complete darkness I will dream about the stuff that's around me, like the posters on my wall.
Even though tomorrow is Presidents day we still have school, LAME. I could really use another day off, today I hung out with my friends and now I really feel like I could use a day to myself...

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