Monday, June 29, 2009

Super Fried

So I have the sunburn of a life time, and it couldn't be more hideous. Other than that things are fine.

On Saturday we went to a car show for Jordens birthday. We saw a lot of cool cars, and it just made me want to get out and work on my car. There was this master piece rat rod there that I took loads of pictures of.

After the show, we went to the farmers market in Gresham, and got some Hawaiian ice. Lillie got her ears pierced, and Jorden got some new earrings, as Katelyn Zoe and I watched on. We went back to Jordens and had icecream cake. Zoe Katelyn and I went to Ariel's birthday after that and played Betrayal.
Yesterday we went to a craft day at the twins friend Tori's house. I played with paint the entire time. Then I came home and lazzzed around.

Monday, May 4, 2009

howdy from beyond

So I never update anymore... I think it's because I only update about good stuff, and don't really ever want to talk about the bad. This is funny to me because most writers are inspired by all the misery in their lives, but whatever...
The last couple weeks have been tough, and that's all i have to say about that.

My Drawing class was canceled today, due to my teachers sickness. Currently stuck in the library bored out of my mind! my next class doesn't start until 1:10!

All I've been thinking about lately is Star Trek! seriously if I let my mind wounder at all I get lost in the last episode I watched... I live a very sad life...
I have mixed feelings about the movie coming out. While I can't wait to see it, I also think that I will hate it because I'm far too attached to the original cast. I'm obsessed with Spock and if this new guy fucks it up then I most likely will hate it to death!!! I probably will like it though. I herd that they'll probably make 3 or 4 of these movies so they'd better be good. Zoe was saying that Dark Knight lifted the bar for comic movies the other day, after watching Wolverine Origins. I can't help but agree, everything in my mind will be judged by that movie, it is the new standard. Wolverine didn't quite live up to my expectations, but what am I gonna do, hate an X-men movie???
There's talk of us going to see Star Trek at an Imax, that should be intense.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

turning spinning jumping

I am in the college library waiting for my next class to start...

It's been a while since I last posted, and lots has happened. Winter term is out and Spring is in, and I had a good spring break while it lasted.

This is my week for spring:
Mon/Wen- Drawing 1, 9:00-11:50. Film, The Great Directors, 1:10-3:00.
Tues- BIO 102, 9:00-10:20. Lab 10:30-12:20
Thur- BIO 102, 9:00-10:20.
I also am taking a Web based creative writing class
Free Fridays!

Krissie and Ron are arriving on Saturday, and will be staying for about a week before departing on their epic journey.
We are hiking on Sunday.
Apparently I'll also be doing a bit of gaming this weekend, though I don't really know when I'll have time.

Yesterday I hung out with Lillie after she finished her SSE. We had lunch with her mom, which was a little weird. I'm not used to being around her with so few people. But she bought my lunch so that was nice. After that we went to Jordens and watched Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and But I'm a Cheerleader, and went for a walk. Jordens house was so fucking hot, it was tropical, Lillie and I nearly died.
P.S. Lillie doesn't know how to cartwheel.

Monday, March 16, 2009

one day at a time

Tuesday- got food poisoning, barfed all night.
Wednesday- barfed in the early hours, had stomach cramps the rest of the day, went to school. Got picked up and slept
Thursday- woke up. went to school. went to Jordens. had dinner with him and his mom. went to Lillie and Zoe's play. went to Shari's. went to sleep.
Friday- nothing
Sunday-watched movies at Jordens. Driving lessons, and a really sucky imitation of Reanimator. Went home and finished paper for WR.
Today- Turned in paper. going to Jordens to watch Brisco, and work on comic.
Tomorrow- going to take Bio final. Finish HP paper.
Wednesday- turn in HP paper. Katelyn comes home. FREEDOM!

From there I don't know what will happen....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Watching the Watchmen

Saw Watchmen on Friday with Olivia, Jorden, Lillie, and Zoseph. Jorden, Lillie and I had all read the comic and were freaking out with excitement for months! Zoe is just a big nerd and Olivia likes awesome movies (most of the time(meaning sometimes she doesn't like all the movies that I like... the loser)). I really liked it a lot, despite the fact that some of the stuff that I really liked from the comic wasn't in the movie, and the fact that the sex scenes were awkwardly long... Seriously what is up with Zack Snyder! Watching the movie just made me more pissed at Jon for being an ass and killing my favorite character, Rorschach. Must... Not ... entangle myself... in... angry emotions!!! I really wish that they had had the giant psychic octopus thing at the end of the movie like there was in the comic. The movie it's self is a piece of art, the colors are vibrant and faithful to the comic, as are the costumes. Overall good, but I'm not sure if regular movie goers will like it... P.S. Fuck Ozymandias!

On Sunday I went to a classic car show with Lillie and Jorden. We saw so many beautiful cars, i nearly died at the sight of each one. So many master pieces in one building it was a little more then I could take.
After the show we went to Billy Heartbeats and had awesome Malted chocolate milkshakes, I drank all of mine and felt ridiculously fat afterwords. Such is life.

I took my Bio Lab final today, and I think I passed. I also gave my final speech for SP100 and got a B. My grades in those classes are going to be good, it's my other two classes I'm not so sure about... My HP class is kinda killing me, and my WR122 class makes me feel hopeless... I have to write a paper for both of these classes and turn it in on Monday, and I'm not looking forward to it. At least school will be over by Tuesday.

For the last weekend of spring break I'm going to Gamestorm, and I'm really excited. Lillie and Zoe go every year and Jorden goes now too. Hopefully Katelyn will be able to go, but I don't see why she wouldn't. I miss Katelyn <3

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy March

I love it when the month changes.

The semester is almost over... YES! I took all serious classes this semester, no electives... my brain is dying a little more everyday with no new creative outlet. I signed up for three electives for next semester to compensate for this horrific semester. So that's good.
Still a little less then three weeks left for this semester, but then we'll have break and that will be awesome! that is, at this point, all that I'm living for...

On Friday the twins, Jorden, and I saw Slumdog Millionaire, and it was really good. I seriously must own that movie when it comes out. The End. p.s. the soundtrack was also awesome and I'm listening to it right now.

Yesterday I watched The Guild all day, and needless to say, I'm obsessed. I can't wait for the new season to come out.

I love Vork, and laugh at everything he says.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Solid Organic Steel

I got a test back from my Health and Fitness class today. Apparently my teacher for the class is a huge comic nerd and here is a couple of questions off the test:
The Incredible Hulk and the X-Men's Colossus have been teleported to an alternate dimension owned by the evil warlord MoJo. They are currently in an epic battle with the Juggernaut and MoJo. All of these behemoths weigh 800 pounds each. List two method of determining the body fat percentage for these behemoths.______ ______
After testing them, you have determined that The Hulk is 8% body fat, the Juggernaut is 16% body fat, MoJo is 72% body fat, and you have found that Colossus is 100% solid organic steel. How many pounds of fat do they each have?
This cracked me up! so i thought I would share.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Yesterday I went to Christopher Moore's book signing at Powells. He's on tour promoting his new book Fool, which I just finished reading. It was awesome to see him in person, he is a really nice guy, and is really funny in person. I was excited to hear that he is half way done with his next book Bite Me, the third book in his vampire series. After telling us this he said that he has the idea for the book after that, which will be about french painters... strange but he's my favorite author so I'll end up reading it no matter what the subject. I got my copy of Fool, Lamb, and Practical Demon Keeping signed. A lot of people brought all of his books, so the next time he comes around I'm going to be ready!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm putting off writing my paper, for a little bit longer.
I've been having a lot of weird dreams lately (I've said it before, I know) the one I had last night was just another drop in the bucket. I dreamed a scene in a bar where there were a bunch of towns people who were all looking at the TV. It was a news report on the towns new mayor a woman with shoulder length dark brown hair. The people of the town were talking about how it was a mistake to elect her, and they were angry that they couldn't over power her with their lightning powers, because she was immune to them. The bar became charged and lightning sparked and flashed threw the air... and I woke up.
In about a third of my dreams I'm not even an active character in them. Most of my dreams are nightmares, and I would say only 10% of them are enjoyable. When I go into REM sleep my eyes open, and unless I'm in complete darkness I will dream about the stuff that's around me, like the posters on my wall.
Even though tomorrow is Presidents day we still have school, LAME. I could really use another day off, today I hung out with my friends and now I really feel like I could use a day to myself...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Brisco Crisco Frisco

I like to be in wide open space' alone, it's best when you can look around far off into the distance and see no sign of man, it brings me true peace. It was hard for me to adjust in Florence at first because the streets where so tight, i mostly hung around the Piatsa De Santa Senioria and gazed up at Neptune when things got to small for me.

I've been having weird dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that I got into a fight with Lillie and Jorden at Jorden's house. I stormed out of the front door intending to walk home, but when I got to the side walk I beem of light hit me from above and I was pulled up and into an alien spaceship! I only had a chance to look at my captors, who all had bubble gum like skin and deep voices, before I had waken up.

Have I told you lately how much I love Bruce Campbell? Today I bought Brisco County Jr. the complete series at Costco, then I went to Jorden's to watch it. We only got threw 2 full discs today and there is 8, so we still have a ways to go. Bruce plays a way nicer character in the show then in any other movies I've seen him in before, where hes an asshole the whole time... It's kind of weird, he said stuff like "because we're friends" and he wasn't even a sleaze bag. Everyone in the show has really weird names, like Socrates Poole, Dixie Cousins, and Lord Bowler, not to mention the lead character Brisco County Jr. We decided that it would have been awesome to live in the west in the 1800's because you could walk around with a gun all the time and no one would really care.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Zombies, Gypsies, and a couple of Irish guys

Yesterday I went to my first ever car show, down town at the convention center. It was pretty fun, though there was no old cars, we got to look at some really expensive cars, and some really pretty cars, while weeding through the crap ones.

After that we ate at the 50's dinner in the mall, where Lillie had a really fucking good chocolate malt shake. I wanted to die!

We went to Stuff, and bought movies. I got Donnie Darko, Planet Terror, and Moliere. Then we went to Hollywood Video because Jorden couldn't find the movie he really wanted to watch at Stuff, which was The Man with the Screaming Brain . This movie had Bruce Campbell in it and was (of course) an instant classic. The movie was about this guy who ended up with half of this other KGB guys brain, and his wife who died and whose brain got put into a robot, they are going after this Gypsy who ruined their lives, and who is crazy and wants to get married.

Then we watched Boondock Saints, and Planet Terror. Both I hadn't seen before, I ended up liking them quite a bit. Planet Terror is so freaking awesome! Why don't they make more movies like this? oh it was so good, I can't even describe how much I loved it, too awesome for words!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

luck? don't be silly

Days like this make me think... or rather allow me to drift off...

Today I was supposed to have a midterm, and deliver two speeches. I say supposed to because not one of these things actually happened. Something came up in each of my classes and I ended up having the most pointless day of school.

One good thing that happened today is that I'm buying a car and an engine too. This ( of course ) is something Jorden cooked up. He knows that I have money, and he wanted to have a little project to waist time on, something he tells me will help is career(or some bull like this) and then he shows me this beautiful 1954 Chevy truck. This baby is going for really cheep and after all "only needs an engine." We find one (also cheep) and so I fall in love with it. Before you know it I'm talking to Pablos about buying it, and it's a go, as soon as I get my permit. That's right people I still don't even have a permit! Jorden, knowing that I am a weak human being, was happy to point out that as soon as hes fixed it he will teach me how to drive.

I'm taking the test this week and passing if it kills me. I've never taken it before, but the dream of this truck drives me on... I know that Jorden is just using me to fuel his hobby, but hey I get a car out of the deal, and if he fixes it then it'll be more meaningful then some crap car my parents give me.

On Saturday we dressed up and went to Rocky. I curled the girls hair with the SUPER CURLER, and we all looked pretty glamorous. While Zoe went to Winter Formal (LOOOOSER) the three of us hung back and danced to ELO while eating pizza, and watching flash movies. I had Magical Trever stuck in my head until the early hours of the morning.

I can't wait for the day that it will no longer be necessary for Jorden to drop Lillie and I off, when we can just drive home together and sleep only a room apart. The day is coming sooner all the time.

My life is so good right now, I think I'm the happiest I've ever been. School doesn't even bother me much anymore.

Monday, January 26, 2009

odd balls and busts

On Friday Jorden tried to do something different and brought the girls lunch instead of taking them out. The good thing was that we could spend more time with them, but on the down side we where forced to eat lunch with High Scholars in the cafeteria. So it looks like we wont be doing that again. It was much more fun pretending that we where stealing them anyway.

This past weekend was an odd one movie wise. I watched 5 movies I'd never seen before this included Starship Troopers 2, Immortal, Repo The Genetic Opera, Rosemary's Baby, and Donnie Darko. From least to greatest that is the order that I liked them, but they were all good in their own way.

Nothing scares/fascinates me more then Satanists movies, regular horror movies honestly do nothing for me, but nothing captures my imagination more then a couple of devil worshipers. "Hail Satan!" said the cute little old satanist joyously, sweetly thinking of her dark master. Throughout Rosemary's Baby I kept thinking of The Last Unicorn, lines like "I can feel this human body dying all around me!" and " I'm a unicorn! A UNICORN!" popped into my head and I would randomly yell them at the screen.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

In related news

There's nothing new really. Back at school, where I triumphantly return to the role of friendless loser, a role I thought that I retired after my freshman year of high school. My mom has also returned to her starring role of nagging overworked mother. What a wonderful world we live in, that people can just pick up the life style they were so happy to have escaped from.
I sit there alone at lunch not even looking up expectantly anymore, because people (no matter how hard you wish they would) don't just come up and say "hey your that really cool happening girl, do you mind if I eat lunch with, I've been hankering to talk about that new Star Trek trailer for ages." and then share their beautifully packed lunch with you while in deep nerdy discussion. You can't blame them though, I would never do something like that, which is why I have no friends at my college. I sit there and eat a little of what ever was left from the night before while reading David Sedaris, or listening to either Smodcast or whatever Neil Gaiman audio book I've gotten the night before. Lame me LAME!
I'll stop crying now
Jorden and I have started the tradition of taking the twins out to lunch on Fridays. The last two times (this has only been going on for the last two weeks) afterward I've gone back to Jordens and had MANLY TIME, which turns out to be pretty fun.
My weekends are based around my friends, not my homework. It is only their call that I listen for, and I could care less about anything ells at this point.