I've been stuck at home a lot lately... so that leads to a lot of reading. I'm currently reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I make the decision to read certain books by the author, not by the content. I read Star Dust while I was in Italy, because I liked the movie, which led me to like Neil Gaiman. I'll probably read all of his books now. I really do like this one it's kinda sad but I like the main character and the plot (thus far) so hes got me.
Christmas is coming. I really can't wait. You'd think that I'd be able to get over the excitement of Christmas, but I can't. For my Parents the excitement of getting new presents is outweighed by dealing with where when who what and how of Christmas, never one fucking why for them, it's better not to think about it. Yesterday we fluffed our fake tree, as merrily as was necessary to please my mom. It was also our Holidaycelebrating the solstice, the shortest day the longest night. We did the usual, and it was fun again. Always something I look forward to.
I guess I'll just hang around the house until the snow is gone... waiting... I'm also waiting for my Threadless order... damn Holiday sales
Well I'm back in the USA, back in Oregon. I got back on Saturday night a little before 11. I immediately went to the 24hour hot cake and steak house with my friends, not because i was hungry or in anyway awake, but because seeing and being with my friends was truly magical. I've pretty much been hanging out with them ever since. On Sunday I walked to Jordens in the snow and got Katelyn to come down, I watched them play video games and ate nachos. We went out and played on the ice, sliding on the melted snow. On Monday my hair appointment was canceled. I texted Lillie and we decided to go see My Name is Bruce at the Fox Tower. We all met up at the mall and took the 72 to the max. After the movie we went back to Katelyn's house and watched Iron Man, and I loved it! We spent the night and lazed around the house all day, watching a lot of Disney movies, and taking eating breaks. It's weird being back home, and yet it's normal, but it's also weird that it could be at all normal. I don't really know what to do with myself, but then again I've been spending nonstop time with my friends, so i don't really have to. It's good to be back home.
I have been having some really lazy days recently, today wasn't any different. I stayed home and watched episodes of Charmed, and ordered hot wings and pizza ( the fuckers forgot my soda!). I can't see the girls because they've all got school, and I would really like to.
I don't have much time left in America, I'm leaving next Friday early in the morning. I am getting more and more nervous and apprehensive. but lets not talk about that.... got a new camera so I think I'm ready.
Zune updated so it now has games, and audio book options. I played Hexic while listening to my music on shuffle for about two hours. I also ended up with a lot of new podcast, before I only had the one which was smodcast(I fucking love smodcast, they make my week when they put one up!) I'll probable take more then half of the ones that I got after this week.
Everybody wants to see me before I go, I really only want to hang out with my friends for the majority of everyday. It's truly amazing that we never get bored of each other, the only reason that we stop is when we are forced, which kinda annoys the parents. Could you have more then one love of you life, and be in love with them all at the same time? but also be in love with them without sexual attraction? and love them most when they are all together with you? weird thinking.... I just feel that I belong when I am with my friends, and it's seems that our personality's compliment each other so well. I'm going to miss them A LOT.
We found out that Gram Gram has breast cancer, I don't really know much about it but it's been on my mind lately.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My mom took me shopping for the cloths that I needed down town. We spent a LOT of money, but got some really AWESOME stuff. New cloths and shoes make me so happy!
I watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog today and LOVED IT! So cute. I got the soundtrack and sadly can't stop listening to it. here's a clip
I am leaving for Italy on the 26th! There are only 24 left! BLAHHH! I have soo much I need to get done; I need to get a hair cut, go to the dentist, and the doctor, need new shoes, shirts, underwear, socks and such, and mom wants me to get my toes done ( they are kinda ...yeah...).
The next two days of my life are going to be a homework hell. Maybe I'll talk about it when I have more energy...
just got back from my trip. The best part was when the bear and the wolf almost threw down, but instead had a spirit talk and walked away from each other. We could learn from them.
Katelyn and I watched Swing Time and Shall we Dance on Tuesday and I fell in love with this man! I got the soundtracks to the movies and have been listening to them nonstop! I just love them. They really don't make movies like that anymore.
The last 3 days have been awesome. Yesterday my friends- Lillie, Jorden, Zoe, Olivia, and the twins friend Stephanie- and I went to Rocky, and it was the cabaret cast! They are so much more awesome, they have all the costumes and props, their makeup looks great, and they know whats going on at all times. It was Olivia's first time going so she was a virgin, but because she was under 18 she didn't haft to do anything to traumatic. The theater was packed with virgins last night, there was more of them than there were of us! They could have over run us and taken over the theater if they weret just stupid virgins. But because there was so many people there the audience was really crazy and load. There was this whole group of jocks behind us who just wouldn't shut up! and really didn't get it. The call back lines where not really in unison and you'd hear broken pieces of weird different ones.
On Friday we went to pioneer court house square to watch a movie on the bricks. We got pizza from schmizza, and watched Vacation, staring Chevy Chase. It was really fun and I'm sorry that we missed the opportunity to see more free movies all summer (this was the last one) we'll have to go next year.
Thrusday I went t0 work at my moms store because she was out of town. Jorden and Lillie picked me up and we watched Starship Troopers 1 and 3. Both the rental stores we went to had 2 rented out. The first one was still awesome, what a classic! but the third one was weird and cheep, and had lots of Jesus talk. The bugs looked sooo much better in the 1st one, I have no idea what happened with that! Now we have got to watch the second one, Jorden said that it was much better than the third, even though it doesn't go along with the story line of either one.
Ohh yeah! Last night after Rocky, we went to eat. Zoe dropped off Olivia and Jorden offord to give me a ride home from the Well's house. On the way home (now 4:30ish) Jorden let his car roll down this hill really fast, so we went like 50 down a 25 road. He was like huh I didn't even push the gas, and I was telling him that there is a little police station on that road, about a second latter we got pulled over by a cop. For some reason, whether it be that I was tired or hyped up on sugar, this was too funny to be scary. We were literally a block away from my house, and we are two of the most wholesome kids riding around at 4:30 in the morning, no drugs alcohol or even promiscuity (though as we are both 18 and thus legal we could have, but I don't that anyone would be happy if we had). Jorden was so calm and ... yes I'll say it.. charming. He totally handled the situation and was even being chatty with the cop. He wasn't sure where the registration was for the car we were driving (his moms) but found it. Jorden also was perfectly honest, which was the right move but was almost strange... He didn't give him a ticket, or even a warning. Weird... long night... I went to bed this morning and slept horribly.
I was surfing the web and I found this little USB Owl, witch is cute as a button, but is completely useless. they come in different colors and everything.
WHY!? It's pointless, there is no point! They exists only to be cute!
I just got back from a " fieldtrip" in Ashland. I saw Othello, The Further Adventures of Hedda Gabler, and A Mid Summer Nights Dream. I was the youngest student on the trip. After the plays every one would want to go drinking and I would walk back to the dorm rooms we were staying in. I spent a lot of time alone, it was nice at first but got boring...
It was my first time reading and seeing Othello. It's not my favorite Shakespeare play but I give the man props for keeping to one story line instead of five. The costumes were great, and the set was astonishing.
I thought that we were just seeing Hedda Gabler, but we saw something els entirely. It was very funny, but I feel like I didn't get all the literary references.
This was probably the best production that I have ever seen. I have seen about 4 or 5 versions and this one had the best costumes ever! It was also the funniest one I have ever seen! though it was all about the faeries and pushed the story of the lovers way to the side.
All in all it was a good trip. I did get to spend a lot of time to myself.
I'm listening to Meat Loaf, waiting for my comics to come via UPS. I ordered Hellboy vol. 1 and 3 because I already bought 2. I also got Fables vol. 1, and I hope it's good. I know that Hellboy will be good because I loved the second one so much. I love the Hellboy movies too, and totally wish I owned them...I'll put it on the Christmas list...because I'm a child.
I'm really excited for Italy, it's practically all I think about. This morning, in between slapping the snooze, I had some nice Mediterranean men fantasys. But that is not the only reason that I'm excited to go, I'm also supper stoked about seeing all the art and experiencing the culture. I put a bunch of Italian movies on my netflix cue, and the other day I watched one of them, it was called Divorce Italian Style. It was made in the '60s and was in Italian. The storey was a little crazy but I have to say that the main character, Ferdinando, was a total self centered sleaze, but he was likable and that was a little weird. I wouldn't recommend this movie, it was alright, but was no great cinematic achievement (unlike Evil Dead II!!!). What this movie did do for me was some nice Italian background noise.
Tomorrow is the midnight release of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. I would say that I can't wait, but honestly I can. I have got sooooo much work to do, I don't even know when I'm going to have time to read the book. But I am sure that as soon as I hold it I'll find the time.
I just got up...and remembered that i got my nose pierced yesterday! It's a very different feeling than getting your ears pierced, with ears it's like a slight sting and then it's over, but with my nose it's like a flesh wound that feels a little sore. I have to spray sea water that the mermaid king gave me in a spacial vial 3-5 times a day.
When I was looking at the different piercings, I chose the smallest lintiest diamond, but now I wish that I had gotten a huge bejeweled flower so that it would stand out more!!! oh well... I'll be able to change it as soon as it heals.
I'm so glad that Katelyn Lillie and Jorden were there to support me, even though they may have just been there to watch... The guy who did the piercing was really funny and nice, and didn't make fun of me for flinching when he touched me with the ink to make the place...I know I'm a big baby. It really didn't hurt that much, or at least I've been through worse pain.
I'm so happy that I did it! I think it looks really AWESOME!!!
My parents went out of town this weekend and left before they could see it. I'm kinda wondering what their reaction is going to be like tonight when they get home...
I am officially going to Italy in the fall for three months! Boy I need to learn Italian! I'm really excited, and surprisingly not freaking out with worry. I am however very tired today. I've got a headache and it's kinda weird because I haven't had on in a while. Next week is my last week of my writing 121 class, so that's good. I get to go to Ashland in less then a month. Classes are going well... life is pretty good. I'm going to Mamma Mia ( doubt that there is any Italian in it ) hope it's good!
I have been neglecting my art 205 class and am now looking into taking an incomplete on it. If I do this then I'll be able to re-take it in the fall. I feel like crap.
On the flip side my english 105 and writing 121 classes are going really well. I hope that I will be able to survive the rest of my college life with the ease that I feel with these classes. In the prosses of posting this blog I got a bangs trim.
SOOO it's my second day of COLLEGE !!! and I hafta say that it is more like high school then I would have liked... The huge difference being most of the people in my class are much older then me. One of the first things I learned on my first day was that I have no idea how to talk to older people. If you think about it the only older people I've dealt with are like my parents, my family, and the teachers I've had. But the rest of the people, the other people, the real people living their lives from day to day behind my back, it is them that I have to deal with now, and them I have to learn how to talk to.
My art history book is FUCKING HUGE! and I have to so much, but it is so huge that i cant take it with me to read on the bus. My bus ride, by the way, is 90 minuets long, I transfer twice to get home. The 72 is always full of people, just packed in.
So in conclusion I have learned a lot about people and more about the streets. You just have to deal with the people on the bus, just have to let them sit next to you, just let them pull that yellow stop requested wire every block, because no one wants to fucking walk...but neither do you so... you just have to let it be.
I just want to change my music to the loudest angriest godforsaken rock that I own and run naked around the house with scissors and fire, while eating all the icecream. unfortunately I ate all the icecream the last time I was home alone... Yes I am still a child,tomorrow is my first day of college. I got my hair cut today. Its shorter. The end. I'm really nervous about tomorrow. My whole life whenever I do something new in the name of progress I always feel like someone is going to jump in my face and say " what the fuck are you doing here? you don't belong here! you don't even know what you're doing here! get the fuck out of here!!!". Really these are just the questions I'm asking myself in my head. Only when I'm with another person can I feel comfortable, because they can justify why I'm there. I. Have. Problems. It's a good thing that I'm going to college alone, otherwise I would never do anything on my own. God I'm a looser, a looser that is fucking hungry...
I had the whole day to myself today, and I was board! So I started playing Twilight, I play on and off ( more off really) last time I was just at the beginning of the Lake bed temple. Let me just say that it is a complete and total BITCH! What the fuck Nintendo! With the help of mucho cheats I made it through, and I have just quite after being thrust into the desert. All I hafta say is ...............I love Zelda! but I've looked into my future and I don't see much Zelda in it. I'm hanging out with friends tomorrow ( after looking after my moms store... heart full of HATE!!! ), Saturday I'm going to a party, and Monday I start my first day of college! Sunday will be spent cleaning and getting mentally prepared for the next day...I might melt... I feel like I'm in a video game now. When I went to the bathroom I started to look for items...
Well just two news really. today my new laptop came in the mail along with it's new laptop computer case, and my new Zune came in the mail today as well! The old one died and I had to send it in to get it fixed but they ended up sending me a new one... I have been suffering since it broke and now that the new ones here I'm a little crazy! Blahh I'm really glad that its all here and I can finally have my own technological space, but setting up is a bitch!!! I hung out with mi amigos today, we went to Hawthorn. I didn't buy anything, on the whole no one really did, but it was fun to hang out and search through the crazy stuff they have around there.
Tomorrow I'm going to write thank-you-notes to all the people that gave me money for graduating, and thats going to suck royally! but I suppose it has to be done...
One of my favorite Rolling Stones songs, if not my favorite.
Yesterday was my last day of school. Today I had to go to school because of the senior assembly. It was dumb, we watched the same people get award after award for having no social lives, leaving the rest of us with the most anti climactic end to our high school experience.
After that crap I hung out with my good buddies Katelyn and Jorden. We watched movies, ate food and played with sticks. It just gos to show that we may have just graduated high school, but we haven't stopped playing with sticks.....ah we sure do love sticks.....
I watched Shoot 'em Up for the first time today, and LOVED it! It was a pure guy movie and every moment rocked! I will never look at carrots the same way ever again.
I only have one day left of high school. I am , FOR REAL, graduating! It seems like everything I have struggling against has lead me up to this point in my life, and everything is concluding all around me. It's maybe that graduating is one happy ending, but the one thing that life has taught me is that there are no happy endings because nothing ever ends( thank you The Last Unicorn ) just because my high school life is very much over doesn't mean that my life is over. I have college to look forward to in just a couple weeks, which will lead me to making decisions about my life after college, then I will have to live out that life, hopefully have some kind of romance, and if I'm lucky have a kid or two. Even then the story of my life wont end, because with an end of one chapter there is a beginning of a new one, and even after I die the story of my life will continue with the lives of the people I leave behind ( If I don't grow up to be a crazy hermit!!! ). But I was just writing about high school wasn't I...hmmmm... Anyway, I need to get myself together for college. I'll be getting my new laptop soon and that's going to ROCK. I wont have to borrow my moms anymore, or wait for her to get off it! Then I'll start my new classes at MHCC. I was talking to my cousin Jessie on Sunday and he told me that he was impressed that I got into Writing 121, he said that most people don't get tested into that class and that he wasn't when he first got in. To think that I Jacey could be better than Jessie the golden child at something!!! Well it gave me a great confidence boost. Today was kind of a crap day. When I got home all I did was mope around the house, and I ended up watching TV which is weird for me because I hate TV. I watched Charmed, a show that I am now intrigued by at the fault of my buddy Katelyn. Blahh it just fuels the dorky fire! I will probably watch it every afternoon now, how sad... and I thought I had given up TV for good... Speaking of shows I started to rent the Aeon Flux series from netflix. At first I didn't like it as much, but then once I got to the episode where Aeon lets Trevor Goodchild take her DNA and make a clone out of it so that he could use it for his own fiendish pleasures I was intrigued, and ended up liking the show a lot. I loved the episode where they were stuck in that weird cube place with the pink(maroon, jasmine...whatever)liquid stuff all around it, and they could only escape in that molding thing. It kinda toched my heart that Goodchild is like so in love with Aeon that he wants to save her even though she like fucks with his business whenever she can. Ohh and in the episode where that one couple tries to get to the other side of the wall together and she ends up not making it and damaging her back, I loved it when Goodchild was like; "I know Aeon gets in through sector C, I let her do that..." (not exact words but who really cares...) it was almost sweet.... I guess I just watch it for Aeon and Goodchilds fucked up relationship... anyway can't wait to see the next five episodes, I bet they'll be as trippy as the last.
I found a couple mixed Cd's when i was going through my collection today. They were made when I'd first gotten a Cd burner around 7th grade. I stared to listen to them and was surprised to find that I know almost all the words to every song. I listened to some weird stuff when I was younger( a lot of it I still like today ) Here are some songs from those mixed Cd's:
Awaiting the answers to my interview questions I wandered onto my blog, and no I feel another little Jacey story coming on.
Lets take it back to a much smaller and simpler time in my life, and by that I mean a much younger time in my life. I was about 3, and Mitchell (who is just a half a year younger then me) were being babysat by our fathers, a bad move on our moms part. Jimmy and my dad ( who's really my step dad Rob, but in this moment in time I was none the wiser to this fact, as far as I knew he was my dad ) were playing video games, I think it was that pilot game that's name escapes me, but it could have easily been Zelda, Kirby, or Mario. The point is the weren't paying attention to the two of us at all! So Jimmy and Mary used to have a huge fish tank at their house, and it had exotic fish in it. It just so happens that Jacey as well as little Jacey loves to swim. I don't remember how we got up there but Mitchell and I ended up in this huge fish tank. When Jimmy came in the room he screamed and pulled us out of the tank. My dad came in next and saw the water in the fish tank swaying violently back and forth, two wet naked kids ( apparently we took our cloths off before we got in, smart kids right? ) and some scared fish trying to make themselves small against one corner of the tank. When the mothers got home and herd the whole story, they deemed our fathers unworthy of babysitting their own children ever again. Not only could we have drowned but there was a lamp hanging precariously on the table next to the tank that could have fallen down and electrocuted us at any moment. And those exotic fish I was talking about, well two of them were an Oscar and the other a Parana! We could have been eaten!!! But as it turned out we peed in the tank and those two fish ended up dying just a week later.
I finished Stephenie Meyers new book The Host yesterday afternoon. It was so good! It took me a while to get into, but once I got into it I couldn't put it down. I read over 300 pages one day, normally that would have finished it up, but this book was long! I was glad that it was because I got to know the characters a lot better and watch them grow. It's like the difference between watching a epic movie like Lawrence of Arabia instead of a short movie, were you don't have to think like Tomb Raider ( I love Lawrence of Arabia, watched it twice last week! Omar Sharif!!! ) . I loved the ending, it seemed to leave plenty space for the imagination, I hope that she makes a second book.
I haven't really been doing anything postable lately(besides prom, art festival, hanging out with my friends more often then EVER, rocky horror) so was thinking I'd write about little Jacey...
Once upon a time in middle school we were playing capture the flag.... first of all I would like to say that middle scholars are the worst thing that every happened to earth, every single one of them is a snot nosed kid who thinks that they know better then everyone els and needs to be beaten daily for their attitude alone...P.S. at this time I had one friend in the entire school(witch was one more then I was used to at this friendless time in my life).... Debrah and I were at one end guarding the flag, just standing there watching people in the middle all bundled up jumping back and forth over the border not coming any where near the flag. We watched our side slip into prison time and time again, Debrah decided that she didn't want to watch anymore and that she wanted to be a art of the action. I let her know that I was fine with being as far from the action as possible ( I would like you to know that I am not fat, fatty yes I have no muscle, but I am to vain too be fat, and too lazy to be skinny ( on the other hand Debrah was on track )) she went off to stratigize with the rest of the team and two people came back to take our positions. I meandered around my teams side of the field and yelled useful things to my team like "look a penny trying to cross our side", and "you'd better put that guy in jail before he gets to our flag". You could tell the whole team was happy to have me(not). They all started planning this big attack with distractions and swerving and blocking, they wanted that flag badly. They had everyone involved except me....I was to guard the flag while this plan was to be executed. Then all of them charged forward, and I hafta say that the other team looked shocked but were still putting an effort to keep them from the flag. They had conerd them on one side of the field and left and right my people were being sent to jail. There was a clear path ahead of me that was made clearer when the coach yelled out "Jacey you can get the flag if you run now!!!" it so happened that no one els heard that, so a began to run. when I crossed the border no one had noticed. I ran the length of the field and was touching the flag( witch was a hockey stick, propped up by a traffic cone ) I pulled it from the traffic cone and looked back at the action. No one had yet seen me, but as I began to fun the field the coach called out in encouragement, and then I was being chased by the fastest and the finest of the other team. (As I said before I am not fat, but being unfat doesn't make you any faster.) I could feel them gaining behind me and I still had a long stretch ahead of me before I could cross the other side. Stupidly I looked back and saw the nearest of them, his eyes glinted with rage, my eyes watered with fear. This guy was going to take me out, he knew it, I knew it, the hockey stick posing as the flag knew it, but i couldn't let that happen not when I had gotten this far. I gripped the hockey stick and put all my energy into my little fatty legs. Then the border didn't seem to far from me. I could hear the anguish in the grunt of the the guy chasing me as I pulled forward and jumped across the border, and the game was over... P.E. went back to normal from then on, I never won anything in sports ever again. I took my place in lazilymeandering about on end of the field, but I'll never forget the day that I captured the flag.
I went to see The Hobbit at Rex Putnam on Friday. My buddy Olivia designed the lights, so I saw it for her. Since Kathryn left I really have no other reason to go there besides for Olivia. I saw loads of people I knew both on stage and off. I have today that the play wasn't very good, you could clearly see the actors hadn't been given good direction. I read the book over and over again until about the end of middle school(along with the LoTRs) but haven't really since, and I kinda feel like it now...but it'll be a pain to find my copy... After the play i went to Olivia's to spend the night. On the way to her house she asked her mother if we could go prom dress shopping the next day. "What!? No we're are not going tomorrow it's a beautiful day!!! and I don't want to miss out on yard work!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!" The next day we left the house at 9:30. If there is one thing that is for certain it is that Mrs. H will always want to go shopping, even if she says that she doesn't. We went to different vintage shores around town, and I ended up picking out this dress that fits me like a dream. It's from the '50s ( Apparently I have a '50s body type) and it's black with silver and rhinestones on the neck and waist line. The lady who worked at the store said that it was a evening dress, the kind you wore when a gentleman was coming over for a night cap, very sexy. Olivia got this beautiful white dress with little velvet flowers embellished on it from the '40s. It was just so pretty on her and fit her almost perfectly, they are going to replace the zipper and make some adjustments on the top, but other then that she looks like a dream. 'liv is coming to my prom with me and she is going to wear a dress she already had, its a nice little black dress with a black rose print on it, a really cool shape it you ask me.
We went home and Olivia downloaded all the music that she didn't already have from my Zune, and viceversa. I now have a tun of new music that I will be listening to for weeks! It's SO cool!!!
All in all it was a good weekend. Today I'm going up to my grandma and grandpa to celebrate my moms, my cousins, and my birthday's.
I'm now 18 and my childhood is over forever, but I think that I'll be able to slowly adjust into adulthood. Today I went to church, witch wasn't that great but was the last time that I really had to go. Then we picked up Olivia and went to the movies nearly missing the previews. We saw Run Fat boy Run, I really liked it, even though parts of it were kinda dumb. After that we gathered at Todai and stuffed some major face, leaving me feeling fat and happy.
What I got for my birthday:
New cell phone (witch was really good because my old one hardly works anymore, and sucks!)
Red sweat shirt with a kinda bandanna print
New Moon and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
Earrings that I already had
My first ever bento box
So all in all it was a really good birthday, nice and simple.
My 18Th birthday is this Sunday. It's the end of my childhood, and the end of life as I know it. When I wake on the sixth I will be born into an eternal adulthood, and my Peter-pan-land will be no more! There is so much more that I wanted to do with my life! It can't end now! I don't feel 18! I morn for the end. Ahh but such is life, and life gos on. It could be that I die this instant and never see a day past 18, so in this way I must be grateful. Everyday is worth something...
I'm watching Amelie again. My favorite part is when she gos into the haunted house and Ninobooooooos on her neck! hmm True Love! What a beautiful movie.
I'm changing my last name because I don't want to be called by my biological fathers last name (my legal last name) in the future. I've been going by my mothers last name, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to keep that up. So I was going to change it, but it can be changed to anything so why keep my mothers when I could have something better! I have been living a lie for too long it's time to move on to the next one. I'm on the lookout for good last names, I search for them in the gaps and corners of the universe, waiting for a good one to surface, pop out, or zoom by. When that perfect one appears I will take it as my own.
Yesterday my two buddies and I went to Cirque Du Soleil, Corteo. It was.....there are no words really....lets just say super awesome. I loved the music too, my friend bought a copy maybe I can get her to lend it to me sometime. I went to Varekai a couple years ago, and that was great. It had a completely different look and feel to it then Corteo. It was like an alien world, I had never seen anything like it before, and again it was amazing!!! I cant wait for the next show! but I'm going to haft to save up!!!
PORTLAND July 15 Keller Auditorium ticketmaster.com 503-224-4400
I LOVE THIS MAN! My friend called me one day and said: "Hey Jacey, guess who's coming to town that we both love!" "Holy Fuck! Eddie Izzard!?" " Yeah" "Well When is he coming!?"............................and so on.....
The point is that we're going and it's going to ROCK!
Amelie, the best romance I have ever seen. A wonderful surreal adventure that surrounds a mysterious "do-gooder" who falls in love. It's a magical movie, romantic, and really funny. Raising Arizona, a modern tall tail about how every one loves babies. Hi and Ed are the most lovable kidnappers ever.
The Blues Brothers, what can I say, my buddy and I dressed up as them for halloween once. It was awesome, and so is that movie.
V For Vendetta, based on a comic book that I ended up buying because I loved the movie so much. Gotta say, loved the art, but liked the movie better then the comic. Maybe it's because it's set in a more modern time, and the main characters seem so much stronger and real to me. Snatch, hard to understand but put on the subtitles and it's fucking hilarious. My favorite character is by far Bullet Tooth Tony. Hercules, my favorite disney movie. I don't care that it really has no relation to the original myth, thats just the way disney roles. I love the music and Hercules is such a lovable and goofy character. Interstella 5555, it's not so much a movie as it is a really long and beautifully animated music video. I love Daft Punk more then almost anything in the world.
I LOVE all of the Xmen movies, I can watch them over and over and over again.They are most defiantly my favorite super hero movies. I can't wait for the new ones, I know they're gonna ROCK!
I love all the Quentin Tarantino movies. Each one of them is a wild ride of crazy awesome characters put in fucked up situations, set to the coolest sound track you can find. The dialog is out of this world.
The other man who has my movie attention is Kevin Smith. Truth be told I have not seen all of his movies because I haven't seen Jersey Girl yet, but whatever. This guy is fucking funny, and I can't get enough of his dialog, so much so that I haft to listen to his podcast every week to complete my life.
Hayao Miyazaki is by far the best thing that has ever happened to anime. All of his movies are beautiful, the story lines, animation, messages, and soundtrack. I could never pick a favorite, every one of them is a great coming of age story that makes you laugh, cry, and amazed.
I think thats it for now, I might haft to redo this page if I forgot something vitally important.
I'm reading the Anne Rice book The Vampire Lestat right now, so I thought that I would make this post about my friends the vampires. The first vampire book I read was Christopher Moore's Bloodsucking Fiends. The cool thing about Mr. Moore's vampire story is that he didn't try to tell a mythology of the vampire, he just had fun making up this crazy story thats main characters happen to be vampires, they didn't even really want to be vampires, it just happened really, and they just try to live their life like normal people with a slight blood disorder. The book that followed was called You Suck. This one was really good too, and I loved the ending. Christopher Moore is my favorite author, I just love everything that he writes because each one is full of crazy exciting characters that are put in really scary crazy sitchuations. The only thing that I could criticize about his books would be that the beginnings are always too long, and the ending action always happens in the last 10 to 20 pages, but what can I say I love them all. I got into the Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer. I LOVE them. I couldn't put them down and ended up reading the first three within a week. I cannot wait 'till the fourth and final book witch comes out this august. They are on the romantic side (the super romantic side) but still have a fun and epic story. I love perspective of Bella, and that she takes us all the places we want to go with her leaving nothing out. I also love that the story is sent on the west cost, and their making the movies here in Portland!!! I know some Native Americans who are going to be extras in the movies too!!! It's just TOO COOL!!! My friend read all of the Anne Rice when we were in 10th grade. I told her that I was interested in reading them and finally two years later she lent me Interview with a Vampire. I had seen the movie a while ago so I kinda knew the story line. This book wasn't anything like the other two series I had read before. It isn't funny or romantic in the least. What this book is is tragic and interesting. I was with the main character the whole time, but unlike Twilight it wasn't because I could relate to the angst, but because I was simpithetic with him. So now I find myself with an obsession that most girls have at age 13, but whatever. have a video
I love this show, never really like the British version. Since I watched the outtakes I can't watch the regular show because it's just not as funny... sad but it cracks me up